Commision illustration of Riga Oldtown. 2016. © SIA "Karšu izdevniecība Jāņa sēta"
More info & buy here:

Illustrations for website of  the National Museum of Writing and Music:

Silk-screen printed  "Cirulis Alphabet" poster in collaboration with MIESAI.COM design shop.
[photos by courtesy of]
More info & buy: HERE

Illustration and design for music album. 2014. More info HERE Photos © Juris Rozenbergs

Illustration for an album cover for Gaujarts. 2015.
Listen to them HERE. They are great!

T-shirt design for US based independent radio station WFMU.ORG 2016 October fundriser marathon swag.
Check them out - they are awesome!

FOLD typeface. Work in progress. 2019.


Copyright © 2017 Reinis Petersons

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